Darren is Making a Difference at Butler Elementary

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we are excited to shine a spotlight on some remarkable individuals who have made their mark in the workforce through our Supported Employment Services. Among these exceptional individuals is Darren, whose inspiring journey serves as a testament to the power of determination and the value of inclusive employment practices.

Darren Fuller is celebrating 27 years of employment as a food service worker at Butler Elementary School -with perfect attendance. Darren tells us, “I serve PreK through 5th grade and all the kids know me by name.” He boasts, “I’m really good at customer service” and says he enjoys his job.

In a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly valued and championed, it is heartwarming to witness Darren Fuller's profound impact at Butler Elementary. Breaking barriers and challenging preconceived notions, Darren’s position at Butler promotes inclusivity and provides invaluable personal growth and empowerment opportunities. Today, we celebrate the positive ripple effects created in the lives of Darren, his coworkers, and the kids they serve in the cafeteria.

Butler Elementary has created an environment that embraces diversity, nurturing an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding. By hiring adults with disabilities to work in their cafeteria, the school sends a powerful message to students, staff, and the wider community that everyone deserves equal opportunities and respect, regardless of their abilities. The inclusive workplace fosters empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging among all school community members.

This elementary school's decision to hire adults with disabilities in the cafeteria in 1991, just one short year after the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, serves as a beacon of inspiration for other educational institutions. It encourages schools nationwide and beyond to evaluate their practices and explore ways to create inclusive environments that empower individuals with disabilities.

As we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, let Darren's story serve as a reminder that disability should never be a barrier to achieving success and making meaningful contributions to the workforce. It's a time to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion and ensure that every individual, like Darren, can thrive in their chosen career.


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