Meet our Newest Community Partner

Welcome to the team, Innomed!

Our newest community employment partner, Innomed, has been manufacturing surgical instruments for orthopedic surgery in Savannah since 1985. They recently needed to increase their staff and hired Supported Employment participants Andrew and Jennifer to package medical supplies.  

Shannon White, Vice President of Innomed, says, “I am the Board President at Emmaus House, and EmployAbility often brings volunteers. I am always so impressed with how y’all have helped guide participants to service for the community. So, when we had a need at Innomed, I wanted to reach out to EmployAbility. It has turned out to be a great experience for everyone here. Andrew and Jennifer are excited to come to work and share that excitement with us. They are valuable employees and part of what helps make us successful.”

We are proud of our participants, Andrew and Jennifer, for representing our organization at Innomed. We are also incredibly grateful to Innomed for their support as a  partner and a donor.

If you would like to expand your workforce or learn more about our Supported Employment Services, call 912-644-7500 or email


Disability Pride Month


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